Venice, Island Treasure – Documentary (VIDEO)
Canals, gondolas and sumptuous palaces… the legendary clichés will always be there when you set out to explore Venice. But behind the splendour of a unique artistic and cultural heritage there lies hidden a real city, with its inhabitants and lifestyle organized to meet the site’s geographical limitations. In going out to meet real Venetians while unveiling the incredible riches of the “La Serenissima”, Pierre Brouwers has produced an exceptional documentary film to help you discover a host of unsuspected treasures.
Collection creator and director: Pierre BROUWERS
Production: Media 9
Not going for sure now if Jews have taken over lol
Venice is a tempting real fantasy, with waterways for avenues, robust art and culture. It is amazing, that so many buildings, are on islands built so long ago. It continues to thrive and stimulate a vast touristic population. It is valuable to have many of the traditions. that still communicate a long resilient history. If you would like to visit this city in person, to see this stylish venue, click on this link to save up to $500 dollars on round trip flights This will help in traveling all around the world.
Well shot.
What does those people do in VENICE who are afraid of water?
What's the instrument being played by the masked individual around 14:55?
I really wanted to visit this city but i ait got enough money to do so lol
The video editor need to relax a bit, impossible to watch some clips, other clips just awful composition. Could not watch the whole video
its such an amazing place to explore. Thank you for sharing this video.
I never thought in my wildest dream that an italian man would court me by taking me to Venice, staying at the Danieli Hotel, and with its private water taxi, he took me to Murano island to see the glass works by the artists there. Thank you tesoro mio. I married him and lived in Milan for many years as our home base as we did live in many other countries as well for his job. But I lost him 5 years ago. A romantic beautiful story that I've been blessed with. Thank you, Italy.
Thank you for the upload. Finally a more sophisticated documentary about Venice on yt
Just spent some time here. I was surprised by how many ordinary Italians live here: I thought it was essentially all tourists but I was pleasantly mistaken. Once you get away from San Marco theres tons of ordinary people going about their lives in this beautiful city. It also doesn't have to be expensive – near the university, for example – you can get a beer for 2 euros and a pasta or pisa for 6 euros and so on.
Wow! Venice and it's Beautiful Luxuries
Great Video- please see my channel.
very nice documentary ! amazing seen of city.
You have to stay in Venice for a few days . Not just a day visit.
Do you know rondò veneziano? It's better then mandolin.
Venice is being destroyed by nature, commerce and tourism. Venetian and the Italian government appear to have few solutions to the problems of rising sea levels, mass tourism and huge liners ripping up the foundations of Venice.
Tourists are generally blamed. But follow the money and one can see there is a more complex picture. Venetian have profited enormously financially but object to the tourists. The lagoon flood barriers project has been plagued with bribery and corruption. And who benefits from liners entering the canal waters? Somebody does.
I do agree with Andrea: why why is there Neapolitan Tarantella as music??? I love Naples, but Tarantella is Not from Venice!! Stop mixing up everything Italian !