OUR BEST TRAVEL TIP – Vacation in Italy | VLOGTOBER Day 26, 2018 (VIDEO)

The Real Life of a Flight Attendant VLOGTOBER Day 26, 2018 – This is the full month of October in the life of a New York based Flight Attendant (daily vlogs), follow me around on my travel work trips and just my everyday life in New York City. — Our best travel tip when looking for a restroom.

#Vlogtober #Travel #Italy


  1. ivi122
  2. E H
  3. welter davin
  4. welter davin
  5. MJ Foster
  6. Sirenna Palici
  7. Ms Robin 2u
  8. Joshua Cormier
  9. Aspasia Bonasera
  10. movi3srock
  11. Annie Vincent
  12. Jennifer Ewart
  13. Marcella
  14. Austin D
  15. Naty Velazquez
  16. Becster Brisbane
  17. Bluelithium
  18. daniella lucaj
  19. Wendy DeLaney
  20. Ellen Henderson