This music fits for Milan like samba for a video about Minneapolis … 🙂
Oliver Record
Galleria Two? It's the second!
Wesam Mansour
Milan is amazing..
Alexis Ftakas
Guys, this soundtrack would be more appropriate about south of Italy… it doesn't match at all with the northern culture of the country… travel is your business, so you should be more prepared about that kind of issues..
mirani marco
Really? The soundtrack is that stupid music?? In Milan?? Really? Where is super Mario and pasta pizza and mafia?? My god how cheap you are!
idk idk, maybe im just got a lot of stupid opinions but "emannuel the two"………….i mean pretty sure its "the second" but like i mean english speakers tryna pronounce anything non-english sounds horrible anyway
R Hamster
best city of the world !
Minh Châu
modern, amazing, fantastic
night watch
one prob with europe is too many churches u want the tourist to visit…london is unique as it hv more choice to visit.
This music fits for Milan like samba for a video about Minneapolis …
Galleria Two? It's the second!
Milan is amazing..
Guys, this soundtrack would be more appropriate about south of Italy… it doesn't match at all with the northern culture of the country… travel is your business, so you should be more prepared about that kind of issues..
Really? The soundtrack is that stupid music?? In Milan?? Really? Where is super Mario and pasta pizza and mafia?? My god how cheap you are!
Might be going there this summer with my aunt.
Check out this new Milan video! Thanks!
idk idk, maybe im just got a lot of stupid opinions but "emannuel the two"………….i mean pretty sure its "the second" but like i mean english speakers tryna pronounce anything non-english sounds horrible anyway
best city of the world !
modern, amazing, fantastic
one prob with europe is too many churches u want the tourist to visit…london is unique as it hv more choice to visit.
There's no R in Milan
so nice I wishe
so nice I wishe