Learn Italian for Travel. Review: Important words and phrases for travel (Lesson 17) (VIDEO)

Review things previously taught in previous videos, as well as learn a few new important phrases and concepts.
Danielle DiPietro-Hawkins has a Masters degree in Teaching International Languages and has been teaching Italian in college for the the past 17 years.


  1. ahmad hassan
  2. ahmad hassan
  3. karakuram caravan
  4. mariano venegas
  5. 박시사
  6. 박시사
  7. etransform
  8. anna saunders
  9. Arturo Espinosa
  11. Paul Sproule
  12. Thomas Amisare
  13. Michael Ugwu
  14. Ebrihama Konteh
  15. Home Grown
  16. Z L
  17. Phil Lord
  18. Jon Zeth
  19. zahid Baloch10
  20. zahid Baloch10