Italy: Travel Skills – Rick Steves Travel Talks (VIDEO)
In this travel talk, Rick Steves covers practical skills for making the most of Italy, including transportation (trains and rental cars), avoiding lines, planning an itinerary, choosing hotels, taking a cruise, and enjoying Italy’s cuisine and wine. Visit for more European travel information.
I am a native from Rome, after many years in the USA I will move back to Italy soon, I love Steve’s informations and love for my country.
How does Steve stay beyond the 90 day rule?
Thanks Rick; I love Italy !
Where is the sandwich shop where everyone's lining up? Going there in a couple of months and would love any suggestions on good (NO TOURIST) places that are inexpensive, but delicious!
I was pickpocketed once in Germany. What they didn't know was the fact that my wallet contained no cash or anything till they looked inside. I did place some red chalk inside but I didn't see anyone walking around with red hands. Oh darn!
Why this american obsession about Italy and desire to judge my country? We dont have the same obsession about USA !! Whats up ?
Thanks a bunch for the video. 😀
Here is a Fabulous tip! If you are thinking about making a trip, how about during that time, learn the Language of the country you are traveling to. Not fluently, but it will give u peace of mind.
I don't even know why I'm watching (I'm Italian, I know all this) but it's making me smile so much!! The love for my country can be heard through each word. Thank you!
As much as I love Rick, forget what he said about German trains! They are late, they are crowded, they tend to break down or just come to a halt in the middle of nowhere. And even I as a traintravel experienced German nativ speaker often dont understand their announcements on platforms. If you hear a "Wichtige Durchsage"and the people start running down the stairs, don't worry, it's not a terrorist attack! Just grab your suitcase and follow. The Deutsche Bahn just announced that the train everybody has been waiting for is now departing on another platform.
I wish I was there…
you've never been to Italia unless you visit Sicilia
Didn't realize Rick has such a large firm.
So true. ! Have been to Italy & Sicilia 4 times.
Thank you Rick for this video this is the best video i've ever seen to explain my country i avdice you to visit my city Palermo you'll love it!
Thanx important information! Great talk on fact to learn stepping overseas…
Amazing Love xo Betty
I disagree. Italy is nice except for the thugs and graffiti all over the cities. Not impressed
Wonderful video!
Visiting Italy in a couple of weeks, LOVE this video!
I plan on visiting this year