Trentino in Italien – Traditional Poor Man’s Cuisine | What’s cookin’ (VIDEO)

Trentino is a mountainous region in the North of Italy. Speck is the typical regional product and the base of a lot of dishes.

It is here that the violin forest grows. Even Stradivari used the wood growing here for his famous instruments. Today, Luca is looking for the best pine tree to make his violins and cellos with. He is not only an instrument maker but also a passionate chef. He is teaching the young pupils, Maddalena and Sarah, how to cook traditional Trentino dishes. Together they make „Carne salada“ and „Tonco del Pontesel“, hearty meals typical of the regional cuisine. Perfect for the combination of fine company, food and music.

What’s cookin’ is about traditional culinary recipes from different European regions.


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