Rome on a Budget | 24 Perfect Hours in Italy (First Time Visitor Guide) (VIDEO)

Rome, Italy is one of the world’s most iconic cities – making your way through the city can be challenging, especially if you’re on a budget. Join Alex and Carrie Rad on a free tour through Rome’s top attractions. Let’s have 24 Perfect Hours in Rome, Italy.


  1. Lanciarules
  2. Lanciarules
  3. Carrie Schwartz
  4. Laplena
  5. Semra aliyeva
  6. Wana Wandjina
  7. Jun Glo
  8. Amy Kissner
  9. ablurida
  10. Rebecca White
  11. Lydia Nyawira
  12. jamie malone
  13. zreyes_xo
  14. Catherine Tighe
  15. Rose Eastyy
  16. Kevin Weller
  18. Miguel Martin
  19. Leoman
  20. Steve Wilkins