Italian Street Food: Northern Sausages (in Bolzano, Italy) – Alessa and Rafael #002 (VIDEO)

In this video we went to Bolzano in Italy’s northern region of Alto Adige/Südtirol. Even though it’s already 2018 the holiday season and cheer hasn’t yet fully come to a close. While we were out we decided to try some of the local street food…. and yes it was delicious!


  1. Travel With Rahul
  2. Timezone Junkies
  3. Journal of Nomads
  4. Travelling Dany
  5. Rok Močnik
  6. Tanner Roth
  7. TheTravelBugBite
  8. Varshastravel360
  9. King Tolentino
  10. Eat Live the World
  11. Cheers to Travels