Food Network – Rachel Ray Siena Italy (VIDEO)

Rachel Ray explores the medieval town of Siena, Italy, famous for its Gothic structures and the Palio bareback horse race. She discovers Antica Trattoria Popeye, a family-owned restaurant, where she enjoys a simple and delicious Tuscan dish of duck, herbs, and olive oil, all for a reasonable price.


  • Rachel Ray visits Siena, one of the most well-preserved medieval towns in Tuscany.
  • Siena flourished in the 13th and 14th centuries with an economy built on banking and commerce.
  • The town has impressive Gothic structures, including the grand wall mo and the Palazzo Publico, which dominates the fan-shaped Piazza.
  • Antica Trattoria Popeye, a family-owned restaurant, serves traditional Sienese dishes for reasonable prices.
  • Rachel enjoys a simple yet delicious dish of duck cooked in olive oil, herbs, and Chianti.
  • Tuscan food is known for its simplicity and fresh ingredients, making it easy on the budget.
  • Rachel’s meal, which includes the duck, mineral water, and fresh green salad, comes to about $12.50, bringing her total expenses for the day to $33.31.