Florence top 10 things to do and see (VIDEO)

This video travel guide is all about Florence top ten attractions every visitor to the city must explore. However – There is a lot more to say – and see – in this gem of a city, so make sure to watch our special video guides about Florence’s sightseeing, and find updated information on shopping, food and family attractions.


  1. Lina Monreale
  2. Local Traveller
  3. bruzote
  4. gio basta
  5. Paolo Meozzi
  6. Jno
  7. gwenn stills
  8. Clement Ng
  9. Nick Polak
  10. lucia conti
  11. Debbie Taylor
  12. Enrico Sanna
  13. TraumhafteFleckchen
  14. AgapeSatori
  15. nalandatv
  16. unrewritable
  17. hersheyxox003